Our Purpose

Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church is a liberal religious community where all may grow through worship, education, service and fellowship, a community that encourages lives of integrity, service, and joy.

Our “global ends statements” are listed below. These statements explain the intended results of the worship, programs, activities, and volunteer efforts of Horizon.

Spiritual Development

The spiritual lives of our members, friends, and visitors grow as we:

  • support the free and responsible search for truth and meaning

  • develop personal and communal worship practices through diverse services that are multi-generational, multiracial, and utilize a variety of modalities

  • foster religious dialogue free of dogma and open to differing values

  • offer relevant, thought-provoking experiences and sermons that inspire us to be better people and to reflect on our lives and our connections within the community

  • embrace a wide range of creative, artistic, and musical experiences that move, uplift, and sustain us

  • come together to share and honor important events in our individual lives and the life of our church

Caring and Inclusive Community

Members, friends, and visitors feel welcomed and supported as we:

  • affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person in an open, inclusive, safe, and accessible environment

  • care for and support one another in times of celebration, sorrow, and transition

  • experience a sense of belonging and meaningful relationships with each other and the church community

  • value, foster, and commit to diversity in all forms

  • foster a culture of open, inclusive leadership, and meaningful engagement

  • provide a welcoming place for meaningful events that serve a wide audience and inspire community dialogue

Lifespan Faith formation

Our congregation and our broader community are enriched and transformed by religious education programs as we:

  • understand and teach Unitarian Universalist values, identity, and practices

  • encompass the principles and histories of Unitarian Universalism, liberal religious traditions, world religions, and the history of Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church

  • deepen the spiritual and ethical lives of adults, youth, and children by engaging them in open- minded dialogue

  • foster religious inquiry, social analysis, and public conversation with the larger community

Community Involvement

Our lives and the lives of those with whom we engage are transformed and our world is improved as we:

  • act on our principles by advocating and working for justice, equality, peace, and freedom

  • create opportunities and take meaningful and visible actions for community service and advocacy

  • open our doors and our hearts to those who seek comfort, courage, and meaning

  • reach out across differences and stand together in opposition to injustice of all kinds

Stewardship and Sustainability

Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church is sustained over time by responsible stewardship as we:

  • express gratitude and commitment through sharing our resources, time, talents, and creativity

  • nurture and develop volunteers and leaders, and enrich lives through their activities with our church community

  • value our resources and facilities and use them in service of our highest values and aspirations

  • operate with transparency and accountability

These Ends Statements also can be found on this website via the Governance link at the bottom of each page, in Horizon’s Board of Trustees’ Policies 4.1 through 4.6.

For further reading about Ends and Means, refer to John Carver’s Ends and Means: Nurturing the Relationship between a Congregation and Its Governing Body.