Horizon UU Church Covenant

We, the members of Horizon UU Church, aspiring to Beloved Community, commit to right relations with each other, from a foundation of love and respect. Specifically, we promise that we will:

  • Choose to act with love and forgiveness toward others and ourselves.

  • Be aware and respectful of different cultures and identities.

  • Come from a place of wanting to understand the other person’s perspective.

  • Communicate with kindness and actively listen to understand.

  • Accept responsibility for our individual actions.

We are here to support one another on our spiritual journeys. We work to stay true to our word to one another. We know we are imperfect and that we will make mistakes. This covenant affirms our commitment to stay in relationship with one another during times of joy as well as times of conflict.

Asking ourselves the following questions will help us put the covenant into practice for ourselves and one another.

And ask ourselves:

We promise to:

  1. Choose to act with love and with forgiveness toward others and ourselves.

  2. Be aware and respectful of different cultures and identities.

  3. Communicate with kindness and actively listen to others to understand their points of view.

  4. Come from a place of wanting to understand the other person’s perspective.

  5. Accept responsibility of our individual actions.

  1. Am I approaching this issue in a “less-anxious” manner?

  2. What can I do to better understand how someone else may identify as a human? Am I reminding myself that this person has a different life experience than mine?

  3. Despite good intentions, are my words hurtful, even when they are not meant to be? Am I making assumptions that may not be true? Do I believe the intent is in the best interest of the whole church?

  4. Am I seeking first to understand and then to be understood? Am I actively listening instead of thinking about what I’ll say next? Am I going directly to the person or persons with whom I have an issue rather than discussing with others, especially those who are not directly involved?

  5. Do I recognize the results of my action, or am I blaming someone else?