Imagine What 2021 Can Bring

Happy New Year!  This months theme is Imagination and the religious education teachers and advisors and I have been imagining programming for children and youth while the Covid virus is still so widespread in our community. What does church look like for your family at this time?

  • Remember that all ages are served by online worship and age-appropriate programming. Our volunteers have worked hard to adapt their online facilitation techniques to provide engaging and personalized virtual sessions.

  • We are working on holding regular outdoor gatherings once a month for COA and YRUU so the youth can gather in person for community and connection. We hope to add a middle school outdoor group soon.

  • Did you know Horizon holds once-monthly social action events? The next event will be marching in the Carrollton MLK parade January 16 and and on February 6, we will hold an outdoor Valentine's connection event with a donation drive for Metrocrest Services.

  • At this time plans for offering Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality classes are on hold until the vaccination schedule becomes clearer and we learn more about the new, more contagious strain of the virus. Volunteers have let me know they are reluctant to meet with students for these reasons since OWL would mostly meet indoors.

  • At this time there is no timetable for meeting back in the building. We will let you know well in advance of resuming in-person programming.

 With the new year comes hopes for better times ahead, and in the meantime we're imagining all the ways church can be during the pandemic.  Thank you for being part of the Horizon family and I look forward to 2021 and all it will bring! 

Yours in Faith, 

Lauren Daniell
Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Lauren Daniell