Step Away from Busyness

from Soul Matters

The December theme at Horizon is "Stillness." Our faith reminds us that the winter holidays are a time for beauty, peace and stillness. Our culture has turned it into a time of commercialism, debt, and stress. It takes an effort to step away from the media messages that buying things and busily planning events will make us happy. Using the Christmas Pledge from Unplug the Christmas Machine as a guideline, your family can come up with ideas about how one might embody each of the pledge’s invitations. Here are some suggestions to help you seed the discussion.

The Christmas Pledge

Believing in the true spirit of Christmas, I commit myself to...

Remember those people who truly need my gifts

  • Give a Winter holidays gift to the homeless person on the corner.

  • On December 12 bring donations to Horizon for Metrocrest

  • Use my allowance to purchase gloves, mittens or a scarf for a needy person.

  • Make a card for someone who may be lonely.

Express my love in more direct ways than gifts

  • Start the day with a smile for your younger sibling or parent.

  • Feed the birds outside.

  • Offer to make a meal or part of a meal.

Examine my holiday activities in the light of my deepest values

  • Spread love by writing a heartfelt letter.

  • Spread kindness by walking a neighbor’s dog.

Be a peacemaker within my circle of family and friends

Rededicate myself to my spiritual growth

  • Keep a gratitude list or journal

  • Light a candle at dinner time and share about your day

Lauren Daniell